Thursday, October 4, 2007

Fall Leaves and Our Lives in Brief

Happy Fall everyone! Denver has just about the perfect weather right now. It has been getting up into the high seventies during the day and then the low forties at night. Just cool enough to put on a sweater and snuggle at bit closer.

These pictures are from a recent Sunday drive up into the mountains to a place only an hour away from home called Kenosha Pass. As you can see, we timed it just perfectly and the leaves were gorgeous. Couldn't have been a better afternoon. I love that picture above this paragraph...we finally figured out how to work the self-timer on my camera. The picture is a little crooked, though. Turns out that car roofs aren't flat.

Look at those dimples!

We had a limited amount of time to walk around but it was worth it. The air was crisp and cool and everywhere you looked was just a burst of color.

Hope everyone is doing well. Since neither one of us have too much time to write these's a run down of the top five events occurring/have occurred in our neck of the woods:

1.) Our condo is being sprayed for bed bugs tomorrow. Supposedly our building has had a terrible infestation that has spared us. That is a huge, blessing, by the way. Tonight, however, we'll be spending a couple of hours tearing our place apart to get ready. We have to put ALL of our clothes, bedding, books, and anything else that is on the floor out on our balcony. Yuck. We did find one poopy bed bug though ON MY PILLOW the other night, though. I suppose this mess might just be worth it.

2.) The Colorado Rockies made it to the baseball world championship (my special name for the event). Like we've mentioned before, we don't have cable and all the games are on TBS. But now, Brandon has discovered the joys of watching TV on the Internet.

3.) We have started watching Scrubs season 2 on DVD. It is such a good 22 minute break from homework and daily life stress. We recommend it. One of our favorite lines from that show is, "Sometimes I cry at night because I don't know if there is a kitty heaven." Just awesome. Jeff Williams, if you are reading, thanks for the introduction to that show.

4.)General Conference is this weekend! Brandon and I both took Saturday off so we can watch it (on the Internet) together. We are going up to his parents house on Sunday to actually watch it on TV. It should be a great.

5.)Brandon brought home some chocolate covered cinnamon bears the other day. How did he know I loved them so? They were even the yummy ones you can by in bulk from Sunflower market. We have been eating just a few each night after dinner to soothe our sweet tooth(s).

That isn't very exciting, I know. But we are happy and doing well. Enjoying fall and each other. What more can you ask for?


Taylor said...

What a coincidence! Shawn and I are watching Scrubs Season 2 too!

Alison said...

That IS such a coincidence! TV on DVD is the best. We had some good laughs last night...I love the secondary characters of The Todd and the lawyer with no self-esteem. Brandon loves the Janitor. xoxo!