Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dahlia Update

Remember this entry? Well, here's the update on the darn dahlia:
Yup. Mostly dead. That new little sprig of life just popped up last week and I know it isn't going to last a lick. All that mite spray didn't work AT ALL. The poor poor dahlia has actually been sitting dead on our balcony for over a month. I don't know why we haven't done anything with it. Needless to say, I've written it off. Out damn spot, out.

But my tomato plant, on the other hand, is thriving.
Look how tall and green it is! Isn't it just a gem? There is one problem, though.

It is nearly October and it hasn't produced ONE tomato. I don't get it! Is the pot too small? Not enough fertilizer? Just a lemon of a plant? What's the deal??

In all fairness, though, my lovely tomato plant is working very hard to produce these two little puppies:
I'm trying to remain optimistic that other ones will grow, two new flowers just sprouted at the top over the weekend. Hopefully the first frost won't come and ruin it all. We deserve at least one tomato sandwich, even if we have to share it.

Gardening advice accepted.


Kersten said...

I'm no expert, but have you tried some fertilizer or plant food of some sort? If you're trying to stay green, there are quite a few organic options.

Also, I got rid of my mite problem on a few plants with a spray of pine sol and water. In one case, I actually had to use cotton swabs dipped in undiluted pinesol and run the things up and down all the leaves and stalks. The plant suffered for a while, but it bounced back admirably and is doing fine now.

Alison said...

Thanks for the advice...I'll give it a shot. I have tried plant food. Maybe not enough, though. I never knew about the pinesol option...hmmm. I think I'm giving up on the dahlia, though!