Brandon and I recently sold our souls to the World Wide Internet and became social networkers via Facebook.
(For all intensive purposes, I am calling this site Facebutt. I had a dear dear friend in college (Hi Anderma!) that taught me the trick of inserting immature words into the names of common corporations/institutions. It works best if the name is also a compound word so you can just substitute one of the words with the immature word. The word "butt" is my favorite one to do this with. Every now and I then I throw out a Buttbuster or a Buttmart into the conversation and it makes me roll with laughter, even if it is only on the inside. Normally, that sort of trick is in Brandon's domain, but for some reason, this one's mine and I'm holding on tight. For a while, I toyed with the idea of calling Facebook, is still very tempting, but it doesn't stay true to the original word).
So Facebook. We resisted for such a long time, knowing full well that it is just another way to waste time on the Internet and ignore real face-to-face relationships. I dipped my toe into the water first, mostly because I have this scary thing coming up at the end of August that I don't really want to talk about because it involves the phrase 10 year and high school all in the same sentence. Anyways, I had been thinking more and more about this scary thing (which is a also known as a full blown anxiety attack) and decided I would find people I cared about before the dreaded event to determine the extent that I wanted to sign up for it.
Once I got on Facebutt, we spent an hour one evening looking up all of Brandon's friends and then he too decided that he should sell his soul. A few evenings later we were sitting next to each other on our sofa, our laptops on our laps, Facebutting together (romantic, eh?). We were kind of enjoying seeing pictures of old friends while also kind of feeling like our Precious Time was just floating out the window.
When we finished, Brandon visited his regular sites (an evening ritual for the both of us) and coincidentally, this article/jab popped up. It nailed everything that had been running through my mind about the essence of Facebutt. Please read it, you will laugh (especially if you've been on Facebutt).
3 days ago
that's too funny
I got sucked into Facebutt after a friend of mine from Australia invited me. It makes me feel really old and at times really cool and at other times amazed at the time wasting tools available on the web. I'm sure I haven't begun to touch the surface of Facebutt and that is just fine with me. Most of my friends are relatives which may be considered pathetic but I consider a blessing.
Being caucasian, I really liked that article.
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