Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Week of Not Getting it Right

Does anyone ever feel like they are stuck in this thick, frustrating funk where they have to redo everything they do, at least once? Or, they consistently get in messes they intentionally tried to avoid? It has been a little like that around here.

I think it all began last Saturday night, when we rented Terminator 2.
I have to admit, it is one of my favorite movies. And since Brandon has a thing for time travel movies (Brandon: if you aren't going to write an entry about Britney parading around without pants on, you should at least write one about time travel theories as depicted in movies), it was a good excuse to re-watch the series. I especially love how hard-core and crazy this character is:

Isn't she great? A lot of people get weirded out by how over the top she is, but if I had been chased by a Terminator, impregnated by a man from the future, and told all about how my future son would save humanity from the aftermath of a nuclear war and wage a war against the machines, I'd be a little tightly wound, too.

Anyways, we rent T2, bring it home, and start playing it. We ended up having to stop and restart the movie at least seven times because we rented some x-treme version and couldn't figure out how to play the movie without having these wierd subtitles pop up, telling us how certain scenes were filmed etc. I am not THAT big of a T2 fan, geez. After fiddling with the DVD menu for about 1/2 hour, we concluded that we would have to watch the movie with the geeky subtitles. It wasn't a big deal, but it became a symbol of what the week was to become: Irritating.

Next in The Week of Not Getting it Right, Brandon realized that he had been incorrectly saving his VERY important school presentation and had to redo a significant chunk. Doesn't that just send a shiver down your spine?? It does mine.

Then, I thought I was all on top of it and ordered my school books a full week ahead of time. When I got the confirmation email from, however, I realized I had the books sent to my parents house in Tucson. Grrr. There goes the getting-books-in-advance plan that I was so excited about, not to mention the free shipping.

On Wednesday, I misread my work schedule and had someone call saying, "Um, did you know you were supposed to be here right now?" Ooops. Luckily I was already on my way, I just though I had to be there at 5:30, not 5:00. Irritating, nonetheless.

Thursday I dealt with a hold on my school account that I didn't know about; it ultimately took several hours of phone calls to get cleared and prevented me from registering for a class I really need to be in. At least I am the only person on the wait list.

Friday, I rode my bike all the way downtown to the grody, creepy Social Security office to change my last name. Social Security offices are horrible places. Filled with grumpy, unhealthy looking people, screaming children in poopy diapers, no where to sit, and a line that should be illegal because it is so freakin' long. After about ten minutes, I realized I brought the wrong paperwork and had to leave. While I didn't wait too long before realizing my mistake, the trauma of knowing that I have to go back to That Gross Place is still drilling a hole into my head.
Ow, ow, ow.

Saturday, Brandon made his second attempt to get a new library card and was promptly denied for not bringing the correct documents. What is it with documentation?? It isn't that hard, yet anything dealing with government bureaucracy pretty means you're gonna have to go down to their offices several times before you have all your ducks in a row. Get that in your head, children--filling out government applications will always be a Royal Never Ending Pain.

The week is over and we celebrated by eating those yummy store bought sugar cookies with the thick layer of pink frosting on the top. They have sprinkles, too. I'm usually all about the homemade, but those are such a guilty pleasure of mine. I also managed to squeeze in a new haircut and a fun solo trip down to the outlets for absolutely necessary new clothes.

In the upcoming weeks, I hope to write you all about the swimming pool situation we have here at Cadillac Condominiums, give you an update on my dahlia, and tell you all about our new bikes.

Until then, ya'lls, peace be with you. And beware of The Week of Not Getting it Right. It'll happen to you if you aren't careful. XOXO!

1 comment:

Clay Allred said...

Alison, You are hilarious
I love your blog. You should become a writer, or a super tough warrior woman that fights futuristic robot men.