Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shameless Baby Show-Off Time

Here are just a few commentary is kept at a minimum for better or worse.  I'm mostly trying to just get a post in before church and trying to make pictures of our growing boy more available to grandparents. 

We have ventured into feeding baby solids.  For the first few weeks, we was only tolerating it and he downright hated green beans.  I don't know what I was thinking, giving Russell green beans as one of his first flavors.  I mean, seriously.  Of all the wonderful flavors in the whole wide world...and I gave him green beans.   I probably would have made that same face!  So far, zucchini seems to be his favorite.  
One of Russell's favorite things is standing.  He has loved to stand on our laps since he was about three months or so...but lately he seems to be the happiest and most proud of himself when he is standing alongside a piece of furniture or holding onto our legs.  He can't pull himself up yet, but there are some days when the only thing that will satisfy him is when I prop him up on something and then put a desired object (like the remote or my phone) just out of his reach.  He will spend the next long while just reaching reaching reaching for that object, anticipating the awesomeness of being able to put it in his mouth when he finally grabs it.  
(Aren't those letters adorable?!  Caitlin made them for me!) 
Of course, he is just as fat as ever.  Friends complain when I bring him somewhere and have pants on him because they can't see his fat thighs.  And really, they are remarkably fat. At his last pediatrician appointment, about a month ago, he weighed 17 lbs 7 oz.  According to their stats, he is in the 50th percentile for weight...but that doesn't make sense.  Russell seems to have more rolls and dimples on his body that any other baby we know!  We love it, though, and will not be buying him baby spanx.
And finally, this is mostly for Leslie. This is my pretty and green!
Something is starting to eat my precious harvest.  Jerks.  We put some chicken wire along our fence in hopes of preventing the bunnies from coming in but leaves are still  going missing.  Grrr.  I'm starting to to think it might be birds.  I don't know what to do about that...are we going to have to build a cage?
These are our first fruits!  I don't love radishes but it was quite rewarding to pull these from the ground and eat them in a salad that evening.

Happy Spring dear friends!  This has been an especially enjoyable one.  We hope yours has been too.

Also, Katniss Everdeen forever!!  I think I'm going to read Anna Karenina next but I'm worried I'll just quit in the middle and don't want that to happen.  Has anyone read it?  Will I love it?

PS I tried to upload a video but it didn't work.  Anyone know why?  I tried to do it from Picassa.  I'll try to fiddle with it when I have more time.


Samuel R said...

I haven't read Anna Kernina, but I know I suffered from readers ADD after reading the hunger games and couldn't read anything more than 20 years old.

David said...

green beans is a strange choice but makes a great picture. Are you sure the bunnies aren't eating your garden? They can get through the tiniest spaces and I have even seen them giving each other little bunny boosts to climb over fences and walls. You can never post too many pictures of little Russell. Lauren has the best voice by the way.

Shelley said...

Love the bath photo of Russell. He just gets cuter all the time. Very impressive garden. I'm not convinced we'll have one this year. Not enough sun. I did plant roses this year and plan on planting herbs tonight.

Leslie said...

You're garden is so pretty! The wind is howling again today- I think it may kill everything off. That's awesome Russell is so in to standing. Owen is not. I'll stand him up against something and usually he'll let go and fall back within 30 seconds.