Don't you love how the night before you have to get up early you think of a million things to do and suddenly don't feel tired? That's how I am, at least. I've always been a night owl, but I get especially wired the night before a big trip; once I'm in this mood, I won't be able to sleep once a To-Do thought pops into my head. So for instance, it has suddenly seemed like a brilliant time to blog about this weird quirk of mine while making some road trip cd's...
Anyways, while I wait for this second road trip CD to burn, I'll let you know that this week has been great. I finished up my quarter by turning in all of my final papers which in short means that I am now a sane person. Yup. I have now returned to the land of the people who eat more than cereal and diet coke, don't bite heads off of their spouses, and actually notice the weather. It is good to be back.
And--get this--I quit Crate and Barrel. I've worked there part time for almost two years and have finally decided that earning a few pennies an hour wasn't worth missing Friday nights and Saturdays with my husbands. I know, it takes me a while, but I eventually do learn. So tonight was my last night and I spent a lot of money to prove to myself that I'll be OK without having a discount.
To make things even better, Brandon and I are leaving tomorrow morning for Moab, UT--exactly from where Leslie and Clay just returned. We aren't as tough as they are, though, so don't expect any cool pictures (unless you consider pictures of us pigging out on oatmeal cream pies cool). I actually dreamed last night that I was getting very winded on a simple hike and was feeling bad about myself. See how badly I need to get a life? Anyways, we'll be there for about four days--just enough time to get dirty, sweaty, sunburned, and relish the opportunity to be with no one else but each other, not look at a computer, worry about clients calling, or think about anything else that has consumed us since the last time we had a break.
Sounds like heaven, eh? My CDs are done--in other words, I need to stop rambling and get to bed.
3 days ago
I love hanging out with my many husbands on Fridays and Saturdays too! Congrats on sloughing C&B!
have fun in Moab! way to quit. I always get really scared to quit jobs for some reason. When Clay used to work late nights at the Quarry...i HATED it. I was so happy when he stopped working late and stopped working weekends.
I love the private time with just Steve. It is the best! Enjoy your trip. And I am with you on the cream pies! Lots of love
Dude - create your freaking bracket before time's out.
Spring Break trips are the best. I went to Utah this past weekend with baby in tow and WITHOUT husband. I learned a valuable lesson that hubbys really do help out a ton.
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