Thursday, March 27, 2008

An Almost Sad Story

I know I need to post pictures from our recent trip to Moab, but I have to first explain what a miracle it is that we even have the pictures...we got home last Wednesday, unpacked our car and put all of our camping gear away.

I am realizing that I have a version of ADHD called Cannot Complete One Task At a Time...meaning that I always do about eight things at once, which ultimately means that a.) it takes me forever to get one simple thing accomplished and b.) I usually have to do at least half the things on my list twice because I'm too all over the place to get things done right the first time. we were unpacking I was having some serious Cannot Complete One Task at a Time. I was unpacking the cooler, uploading photos, getting ready for a shower, telling Brandon some important story, and preparing for an appointment I had later that night. Needless to say, things were chaotic. When all of that was finally done...I sat down to look at the photos and could not find them anywhere.

Brandon and I spent the next twenty-five minutes searching through all my folders and performing every 'search' function we could. The file I thought I created wasn't there and the camera's memory card was empty. It was all so strange because I remember seeing the thumbnails of the photos appear on my computer as they uploaded. The longer we searched, the more I become overwhelmed with the most frustrated, upset, and disappointed of feelings. I just knew I had pressed some stupid button on the computer as I was overwhelmed with my Cannot Complete One Task At a Time and unknowingly deleted everything. I even cried and said one swear word. Brandon, I think, was a little blown away by how I was acting and I can't even explain why I was so upset. I guess I really wanted the photos.

Anyhow, This is actually what I looked like:

See, I'll be graduating soon and with the economy all fickle...non-profit/social service jobs are the first to go. So its vital that I perfect my Microsoft Paint Skills. You'd do the same if you were in my shoes. Notice how I'm able to capture the most important of details? My sunburned face, my sorrow, my deepest, most inner thoughts?

Anyways, we had to postpone the search because Brandon had to work and I had clients to visit. Later that night, though, I investigated programs you can download that are supposedly able to retrieve lost data. While I was encouraged, I was also thinking to myself, "Great, now I'm going to get a computer virus, too."

Luckily, this isn't the saddest of all pity-party tales. Brandon got home shortly after I did and instantly became a miracle worker. He began looking at files that had been modified around the time I had uploaded folders and somehow realized that there were hidden files in that folder. After some abra-cadabra with the keyboard, he figured out how to expose the files...of the five or so that were uncovered was a weird 'temporary' file with our Moab photos!

What relief. I still have no idea how the whole mess happened, but I am just grateful we (Brandon) found them. So now that you guys know the FULL value of our photos, you will appreciate and marvel at them as if they were you own when I post them tomorrow, right? You better! Oh, and watch out for Cannot Complete One Task at a has some serious side affects.


Leslie said...

I'm glad you found them. You did an excellent job drawing your hair and tears. I would've cried too.

Cait said...

Thank goodness for technologically inclined husbands. What would we do without them!

Hey, I will most likely be coming to Denver June 16-18th for a training for the school I got hired at. Will you guys be around? We should do something fun!

Taylor said...

whew. i'm so glad you found them. p.s. if you want sympathy for loosing photos--talk to hannah.