A) Behind the bed
B) In the hot tub, that was was too easy.
C) He's not in this one. That was a trick.
D) By the TV cabinet
P.S Dad, these are pics from the timeshare condo (picture a is the 2nd bedroom and pictures b and c are of the master bedroom). If you can't tell, it was pretty nice! Thanks for sharing...see you on Wednesday!
P.P.S Brandon and I think these pictures are hilarious.
P.P.S.S We went to Orlando a few weeks ago and had soooo much fun. When we get around to it, we'll post pictures of our trip to Disney's Magic Kingdom (which was seriously so awesome).
yes, hilarious
Whoa! Josh is not the only person that likes to do that. We just took some where's waldo pictures of Josh over Christmas break. We must be related...
Thanks for sharing. And, we were not tricked!
p.s. if you were wondering josh and i have spent the day waiting - waiting for the cox guy to fix our internet, waiting for the handyman to fix our toilet and now we're waiting for the contractor to come fix our washer because it started leaking water out of the bottom. the joys of moving (we're just grateful we don't own the house and that our landlord is responsive - at least so far).
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